The WiFiMCU device is pre-programmed with a Lua-based firmware including

  • Lua Interpreter,
  • Serial Interaction, WiFi and Net Module, File System, Interface Module
  • tcp/udp debugging tool
  • serial debugging tool(putty, Tera Term Pro)with serial parameters:115200,n,8,1

Firmware Update

The firmware, bootloader, or the WLAN driver for WiFiMCU can be updated. The actual versions are available for download from GitHub.

The whole update procedure is described in WiFiMCU Based on EMW3165 - User Manual. We use the WiFiMCU Studio for all programming activities.

Due to the state of development the firmware will have further releases. Today actually is the WiFiMCU Firmware v0.9.4 build@20150824.

One of the first activities after receiving my WifiMCU was the update to the actual firmware version by flashing WiFiMCU_Firmware_Float_V0.9.5_20150905.bin.

WiFiMCU Studio

There is a new release of WiFiMCU Studio. It was compiled by Viusal Studio 2012 and was built based on DotNetFramework3.5.

![](WiFiMCU Studio.png)

Lua Language Scope

The Lua interpreter installed in the WiFiMCU module is based on Lua 5.1.4.

The following Lua modules were supported:

Module Status
Basic supported
Coroutine supported
Package supported
String supported
Table supported
Math supported
IO not supported
OS n.a.
Debug not supported

The function description in the supported modules can be found in the Lua Manual.

Editing Source Code

The WifiMCU Studio has no internal editor. This means you have to use your preferred editor for this purpose. I use Notepad++ which offers syntax-highlighting for Lua (and other languages too).

It is important to know that each line has to be finalized with the characters \r\n otherwise you will get strange errors. In Notepad++ you have an hex-editor to check the right source code format and the possibility to change the existing format into Windows format also.

After finishing the source code you can use WifiMCU Studio to upload the file. If this process is successful then you can run this file by a right-click to the file name in the file list.